Integral Yoga Events - USA

Immersion Workshop
in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri and The Mother's Agenda
August 10th to August 16th, 1997
Crestone, Colorado

For more information, please contact:

Rod Hemsell
1611 Howard Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

This gathering will use the Mother's Agenda and Sri Aurobindo's Savitri as a means to invoke the supramental force: a collective aspiration toward the growing physical presence of the Mother's force in our lives. This is not an intellectual study or a lecture about these two great works, but an attempt through them to enter intensely and deeply, maybe even physically, into the ongoing process of transformation itself.

"In matter shall be lit the spirit's glow,
In body and body kindled the sacred birth;"

"It's something that takes hold of the body:
such a warm, gentle vibration,
and yet so terribly powerful at the same time"

The sessions include readings, meditation, movement, high-altitude hikes, seeing, singing, dancing, and celebrating the Integral Yoga.

Crestone is a 3 hour drive from Colorado Springs, a 4 hour drive from Denver, and a 1 hour drive from Alamosa.

"Poetry comes into being at the direct call of three powers, inspiration, beauty and delight, and brings them to us and us to them by the magic charm of the inspired rhythmic word."

Sri Aurobindo,
The Future Poetry, chapter XXVI, "The Sun of Poetic Truth"

"A poetry born direct from and full of the power of the spirit and therefore a largest and a deepest self-expression of the soul and mind of the race is that for which we are seeking and of which the more profound tendencies of the creative mind seem to be in its travail. This poetry will be a voice of eternal things raising to a new significance and to a great satisfied joy in experience the events and emotions and transicences of life which will then be seen and sung as the succession of signs, the changing of the steps of an eternal manifestation; it will be an expression of the very self of man and the self of things and the self of Nature; it will be a creative and interpretative revelation of the infinite truth of existence and of the universal delight and beauty and of a greater spiritualised vision and power of life."

Sri Aurobindo,
The Future Poetry, chapter XXIX, "The Power of the Spirit"

"The poetic word is a vehicle of the spirit, the chosen medium of the soul's self-expression, and any profound modification of the inner habit of the soul, its thought atmosphere, its way of seeing, its type of feeling, any change of the light in which it lives and the power of the breath which it breathes, greatening of its elevations or entry into deeper chambers of its self must reflect itself in a corresponding modification, changed intensity of light or power, inner greatening and deepening of the word which it has to use, and if there is no such change or if it is not sufficient for the new intention of the spirit, then there can be no living or no perfect self expression. The old habits of speech cannot contain the new spiritŠ"

Sri Aurobindo,
The Future Poetry, chapter XXXI, "The Word and the Spirit"

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Last modified on July 7, 1997